Woman in repose facing sunset

My belief is that the core of addiction is characterized not by the use of any one substance or behavior but rather by a pattern of substance use and/or behaviors. When one ceases another, if untreated, will likely take its place.

As such, I approach patients struggling with addiction by addressing multiple aspects of their daily lives. Our goal will be to find ways to make sense of what led to your initial use or behavior and learn new skills that engender a greater sense of well-being. When we become more closely in touch with what our bodies are telling us, we begin to bridge the gap between mind/body experience and allow room for a natural joy to freely enter our lives.

Additionally, I will work closely with a psychiatrist or psychopharmacologist with every patient who comes to me regarding substance use/ addictive behaviors. If you are not currently seeing one of the above named practitioners, I can recommend one with whom I have worked. Multiple studies have shown that the most effective treatment for substance use disorders is a combination of psychodynamic therapy, meeting attendance and medication, either in the form of an opiate antagonist, antidepressant or both. If rehab is needed, I can direct you to a facility that best meets your needs.